
记者从华为获悉,华为云将于12月26日下午4点在北京推出支持华为全球19万员工和数十万合作者员工就业的智能员工平台,帮助大型政企启动智能办公新模式。 (证券时报)

$("body").on('copy', function (e) { if (typeof window.getselection == "undefined") return; //ie8 or earlier... var body_element = document.getelementsbytagname('body')[0]; var selection = window.getselection(); //if the selection is short let's not annoy our users if (("" + selection).length < 10) return; //create a p outside of the visible area //and fill it with the selected text var newp = document.createelement('p'); newp.style.position = 'absolute'; newp.style.left = '-99999px'; body_element.appendchild(newp); newp.appendchild(selection.getrangeat(0).clonecontents()); //we need a tag workaround //otherwise the text inside "pre" loses all the line breaks! if (selection.getrangeat(0)monancestorcontainer.nodename == "pre") { newp.innerhtml = "" + newp.innerhtml + ""; } newp.innerhtml += "链接: " + document.location.href ; selection.selectallchildren(newp); window.settimeout(function () { body_element.removechild(newp); }, 200); });

