
From behind closed doors to the reform and opening up, from a planned economy to a market economy, from state-owned, private and other non-public mess to the booming economy, 30 years, China"s hardware industry has experienced from scratch, starting from the point of production to the difficult everywhere, from Quick off the road to development. Whether it is private capital from scratch after private hardware manufacturers, or state-owned enterprises to enter, its rapid development have proved adequate hardware this competitive labor-intensive industries, and only through the market economy, and private institutions closely, in order to to develop itself off and bring a new life. 

Reforms hardware industry rebirth 

According to the Secretary-General of the International Mould & Metal & Plastic Industry Suppliers Association Luo Baihui estimate, from the initial industry "millions of troops to the now more than 20 million employees in manufacturing enterprises above designated size 40 000, from 1988, on sales of more than 10 million Yuan business to today"s 8000-10000, sales reached more than 1 billion yuan of enterprise reform to change ...... 20 Chinese hardware industry brought tantamount to loosen the shackles of the reins, the development of the industry as a horse galloping horses, go ahead. metal industry companies are stronger, bigger, so specialized, so refined, in the adjustment of product, industry and ownership structure, promote technological innovation, implementation of brand strategy, the transformation of economic growth mode, to establish a specialty area, the expansion of international cooperation and exchanges, etc., have extraordinary achievements. At present, China"s hardware industry in sales of over billion business accounted for 20%, while in 1988 only tricyclic, Wuliangye, solid power, the Great Wall Seiko, Wendeng sales of power and other 14 enterprises exceeded billion; product varieties of 40 kinds of 1984 surged to more than 10,000 kinds now. 

According to statistics, metal products in the last century, when in 1984 only 40 kinds of less than 500 varieties. Now the product has been explosively surged to more than 10,000 kinds of products, and product varieties reached forty-five kinds, 20 times in the past. Product categories, from the past tradition of household hardware, architectural hardware, tools, hardware three natural industry, to 10 categories of products, additional shower room, gas appliances, range hood, kitchen equipment, cooking utensils and other new categories. Even the traditional tools, but also increased the number of modern life have many varieties of decoration, gardening tools. 

Meanwhile, the hardware industry sales format substantial changes. In Luo Baihui opinion, metal products market today has changed from the past planned economy period Wujinjiaodian single system, and for the evolution of a variety of sales channels: a large-scale hardware professional market, the company"s brand franchise stores, also appeared in the latest network marketing model. For hardware professional market, and even it can be said to be a disruptive change, because in terms of scale point of view, or from the scope point of view, the former is the reform and opening up has never been seen before. These large-scale hardware professional market, located in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Wuhan, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Chengdu and other places. It should be said, specialty hardware market is separated from the integrated market is the need for market maturity and development. 

Rising international status 

30 years of reform and opening up, especially in the last 20 years, China"s hardware industry of the number of enterprises, scale, product variety, management and quality levels, and brand influence etc have been significantly improved, the gap with the world are shrinking, some products and even exceed international standards. According to statistics, in 1988 China"s hardware products exports only 800 million US dollars, and now has reached 30 billion to 40 billion US dollars, is 40-50 times 20 years ago. 

As early as 1999, China"s hardware industry based on security considerations and technological progress, the first in the industry to start phasing out vertical-type gas water heater activity, thus promoting the entire industry to adjust to the pace of technological progress based industry structure. Then, in the China National Hardware Association of the lead organization, pressure cooker, faucets, range hood, tools, locks and other products through the development of new standards, have increased the pace of eliminating backward product. To lock, for example, products from the initial padlock to lock hands to achieve a mechatronic locks, electronic lock until lock, remote control lock changes. Date from 2001, the China International Hardware Fair has been successfully held the 8th. Exhibition area from 10,000 square meters, 30,000 square meters, 50,000 square meters, 70,000 square meters until 2008 when 100,000 square meters, the scale year by year, the level year after year, currently It has become the first in Asia, the world"s second professional exhibition. In the process of economic globalization, China"s hardware hardware sector in the world, has become an indispensable important role. 

China Hardware for 30 years, 30 years is to create bold, hardware industry has opened up a new world one after another: the birth of a gas water heater is a creation; the courage of self-denial, out of vertical-type water heater is a creation; named characteristics of the region, first open region Economy doors are made; by the exhibition economy shaped line with standards of the real world, to join the World Federation of hardware, and hardware for the World Conference held in China, is a pioneering ...... 

30 years of reform and opening up the development of summary industry, China"s hardware industry has been impressive, but some high-end products still rely on massive imports. Next, the industry will be under the guidance of the scientific concept of development, to achieve promotion from quantitative expansion to qualitative realize the added value of improved transition.

标题:China's hardware industry technology innovation for 30 years
